A kidney stone is a solid mass formed by substances found in the urine. Kidney stones can affect any part of the urinary tract, including the bladder and kidneys. Depending on how big the stone is, it might leave the body when one urinates by passing through their urinary tract. A surgical procedure may be required if the stones are too big. Kidney stones can necessitate an emergency room visit because they are often extremely painful.
Most people are often concerned about the cost of the surgery. If one is looking for the kidney stone surgery cost in Delhi, they may visit Delhi Urology Hospital. It is a renowned facility for offering the best urological treatments. At this hospital, the cost of a kidney stone surgery ranges from Rs. 35,000 - Rs. 60,000.
In this blog, we will learn about the symptoms and types of kidney stones. To make this post more authentic with the right knowledge, we have gathered information from Dr. Niren Rao, renowned as the best urologist in Delhi. Keep reading to learn more.
How is Kidney Stone Formed?
Waste of all kinds is dissolved in urine. Crystals form when there is an excessive amount of waste in a small amount of liquid. The crystals draw in additional elements and unite to form a solid, which will continue to grow until it is eliminated from the body through urination. The kidneys usually remove these substances from the body through the urine. Most people pass them out when they drink enough liquids, or other substances in urine prevent the formation of stones.
Calcium, oxalate, urate, cystine, xanthine, and phosphate are the substances that cause stones. Once formed, the stone may remain in the kidney or pass into the ureter through the urinary tract. Sometimes, small stones pass through the urine system without causing significant discomfort. However, solid stones may result in a urine backup in the bladder, urethra, ureter, or kidney.
Symptoms of Kidney Stones
Until a kidney stone travels throughout the kidney or enters one of the ureters, it usually does not cause any symptoms. The tubes that join the bladder and kidneys are called ureters. Kidney stones that become stuck in the ureters can obstruct urine flow, enlarge the kidney, and cause excruciating spasms in the ureters. At that point, one might feel any of the following symptoms:
- Severe, acute pain beneath the ribs in the side and back.
- Radiating pain to the groin and lower abdomen
- Wavering and inconsistently intense pain
- Urinating with discomfort or a burning feeling
Additional indications and symptoms could be:
- Urine that is pink, red, or brown
- Urine that smells bad or is murky
- A constant urge to urinate, more frequent or infrequent urination, or mild urination
- Feeling like vomiting and having nausea
- Infection-related fever and chills
- Pain that changes as it passes through your urinary tract, such as moving to a new location or getting stronger.
Types of Kidney Stones
Stones can be divided into four categories:
- Calcium oxalate
It is the most prevalent kind of kidney stone and is produced in urine when calcium and oxalate combine. Their development may be aided by a number of factors, including insufficient calcium and fluid consumption.
- Uric acid
This kind of kidney stone is also quite common. People who eat a high-protein diet, have diabetes or metabolic syndrome, or lose excessive amounts of fluid due to chronic diarrhea or malabsorption are at risk of developing uric acid stones. Consuming a lot of purines found in food items like beef, bacon, pork, and drinking alcohol, increases the body's production of monosodium urate, which can cause kidney stones in certain situations. Usually, these kinds of stones form within families.
- Struvite
These stones are less common and a urinary tract infection can lead to the formation of struvite stones. These stones can occasionally occur with few symptoms or little warning, growing swiftly and becoming fairly large.
- Cystine
These stones are quite uncommon and typically run in families. People who have cystinuria, a genetic disorder that causes the kidneys to excrete too much of a particular amino acid, are at risk of developing these stones.
Kidney stones can be really complex and painful. It is important to be aware of the symptoms so that one can recognise them and take action to get the treatment on time. There are four major types of stones, including calcium oxalate, uric acid, struvite, and cystine stones; each brings its own set of risks and challenges. With the advancement of technology, there are various treatment options available to get rid of kidney stones. If one is looking for the best urologist, they may visit Delhi Urology Hospital to consult with Dr. Niren Rao. The expert urologist performs a thorough evaluation to determine the right course of action. The surgical treatments provided by the doctor include PCNL and RIRS surgery.
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